June 27, 2010

some photos before the race

friday afternoon, i drove home a bit early, stopped at the farmer market to buy foods for the weekend. arriving home, i saw py and her dad biking towards home on mom's bike. i couldn't help grabbing my camera to take pictures of them while i was driving after them.. they just came back from a bike ride.. dad and daughter..

we like to let them play on the dirt and get dirty as they wish. we believe it's a kind of learning.

in this pic, phun crawled slowly in the dirt from where he sat to where Achi was sitting, climbed up Achi's chubby back, rest his head there, spreaded his tiny arms around Achi's round waist and hugged her. cute, isn't it?

this photo of Achi was taken by py with my camera.

this too..

and this too..

i taught her to look through the viewfinder, close one eye and press the botton. i didn't know if she did what i told her to do or still blindly clicked as she used to do but i like how all the photos came out.. how was your weekend anyway?

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