June 15, 2010

Py was discharged from the hospital yesterday afternoon after staying one night there. she is getting much better and talkative again. thanks for asking, Natalie..
it's a relief that she is safe from Dengue hemorrhagic fever. but we will let her stay home bc loads of kids are getting sick with this disease currently..
i spent half day with her reading the new book to her and we snoozed off together. after she started to snore, i sneaked out of the room and got back to my shop.. her dad came to pick her up later in the afternoon after she had her last checkup by the doctor.
anyway, i got back to running this morning but tried not to run too much. just 3 miles on the first day to wake up my legs and on the day i want to do strength training, i will run less bc my appetite will go ridiculously high and i can't stop binging. so i try to do things in moderation. but on the day i don't do weights, i will run longer like 5-6 miles but i still need to set aside time for it.
now it's 1.30 pm and i started to feel drowsy again. i need some coffee but i can't bc i don't want to feel miserable when the cafein starts to kick. the headache is terrifying. so tea is better. (and hopefully no more cookies!!) ..

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